How to build a beautiful 😍 multiple view RecyclerView app — The right way

Inuwa Ibrahim
3 min readMar 17, 2022


UI Design by Inuwa Ibrahim (Ibrajix)

The truth is — I am one of those developers that care so much about the looks of an application, I would literally uninstall an application in 2 seconds for looking so ugly (even if it functions well 👽)

So, here is what we are building…

Things you’d learn:

  1. Using a single recyclerView with multiple view types
  2. Clean Code — MVVM architecture
  3. Displaying data from an external api
  4. Motion layout for animation

Full code:
ibrajix/NftApp (


We are making use of an external api, which I mocked using:

1, 2, 3 and 4 from the image above shows portion of the layout which can be dynamic.
As such, we would create a layout item for each.
Check full code for various recyclerview layout files



We are using retrofit to make a request to the external API.




As you can see, I am using hilt for dependency injection to inject the required classes, Please check full code for NetworkModule.kt and see how I provided the necessary retrofit classes and dependencies:



A recyclerview needs a viewholder and an adapter. This application consist of a single recyclerview, check the file activity_main.xml


  • This would be a sealed class because we want more control over inheritance
  • We’ll be using viewBinding to interact with each of our recyclerView layout files
  • I used a library called coil to load images from the external api and also to provide some transformations (border radius etc) (Farewell Glide ✌️)


  • Our Adapter extends the ListAdapter class which is now the recommended approach
  • We use DiffUtil to avoid usage of recyclerview’s adapter’s notifyDataSetChanged() which is not efficient because it redraws the entire UI when maybe a few things changed.
  • onCreateViewHolder(): Checks which viewType is present and inflates the appropriate layout file
  • onBindViewHolder(): Binds the data with the view based on the viewHolder
  • getItemViewType(): As the name implies, determines which type of view to display in a specific position in the recyclerview




  • Using state flow we get an observable flow that emits the current and new state updates from the data source


  • We set up our recyclerview layout manager and use the new recommended way of collecting flows in the UI layer

Thanks for reading.

Full code:
Click here

Hopefully, you’ve learnt a thing or two on how to build complex views with recyclerview using clean architecture 😉


